Dragana Evtimova v pisateljski rezidenci DSP – maj 2016

Dragana Evtimova v pisateljski rezidenci DSP – maj 2016

V mesecu maju bo v pisateljski rezidenci Društva slovenskih pisateljev ustvarjala pisateljica in prevajalka Dragna Evtimova iz Makedonije.


Foto: osebni arhiv

Limited Use Life

People enclose the space around them, erect walls and fences, invent borders, yet the life’s use is limited. 3


3 Some days old clocks
tick our lives
hanging on the walls
soaring above.

Some days
pain transforms into sorrow,
sorrow into loneliness.
As words words are left empty,
only silence remains.

Some days
the antique manuscripts,
lying in the dust-covered libraries.
In the words of those lines,
no full stops to be found.

Some days
the noise in our souls
is louder than the day’s silence.
the crowd’s hassle and bustle is a clock
ticking within its limited
battery life.

Some lonely eyes
seeking shelter
and drowsy faces
constantly sleeping on night trains.
All side effects
occur in a fraction of a millisecond.

Some days we are alone
our home is faraway.
those are limited use days.

v angeški jezik prevedla Marija Dzonova