Trubar Foundation – deadline for applications is October 1!

The Trubar Foundation is a joint venture of Slovene Writers’ Association, Slovenian PEN and the Center for Slovenian Literature. The financial means for its activities are provided by the Slovenian Book Agency of the Republic of Slovenia and by other sources. The aim of the Trubar Foundation is to subsidy publications of Slovenian literature in translation.

Application for funds

Foreign publishers are required to provide the entire edition for which they received financial support from the Trubar Foundation with an inscription stating that the book was published with the aid of the Foundation. The inscription should read as follows:
This book was published with the support of Trubar Foundation at the Slovene Writers’ Association, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Ta knjiga je bila objavljena s pomočjo Trubarjevega sklada pri Društvu slovenskih pisateljev, Ljubljana, Slovenija.
English language can be replaced by the language of the edition.
Immediately upon publication the publisher should send to the Foundation ten (10) copies of the book, along with two original copies of an invoice (signed and sealed) in exactly the approved amount. The Trubar Foundation will forward a certain number of copies to the National and University Library in Ljubljana.

Time limits

The Board consists of seven equal members including the Presidents of Slovene Writers’ Association and Slovene PEN. They convene at least twice a year, usually in March and October. Therefore, applications received by the end of February and the end of September will promptly be dealt with. The book selected by the Board is to be published in twelve months following the date of the written notice informing the publisher of the Board’s decision. Should the publisher publish the book after the expired term, a new application is required.

Address for applications:

Slovene Writers’ Association
for the Trubar Foundation
Tomšičeva 12
SI – 1000 Ljubljana

Financial terms

Foreign publishers can apply for subsidies to publish translations of Slovenian authors in their native languages. Works that have not been published in the target language before the year of application are taken into cosideration. Trubar Foundation contributes up to 50% of printing costs. It does not subsidy translation; translators can apply for translation grants directly to the Slovenian Book Agency.
The application should include the title of the book, name of the author, name of the translator, length in pages, number of copies and the planned date of publication. Publishers should also prepare a financial estimate of all costs associated with publication: copyright, royalties, layout, paper, printing, binding. The application should be accompanied by the publisher’s latest catalogue.
Priority is given to the works of living authors who are already established in Slovenia. However, the Board will take all applications for works of fiction, poetry, drama and essays on literature into account, as long as they are originally written in Slovenian.

The Board advises applicants to submit their applications in Slovenian or English, in written form, by regular mail or by email.