Jenko Award
The Jenko Award is presented annually by the Slovene Writers’ Association for the best poetry collection published in the previous two years.
- 2019 Kaja Teržan, Krog
- 2018 Tone Škrjanec, Dihaj
- 2017 Veronika Dintinjana, V suhem doku
- 2016 Anja Golob, Didaskalije k dihanju
- 2015 Miklavž Komelj, Noč je abstraktnejša kot n
- 2014 Anja Golob, Vesa v zgibi
- 2013 Kristina Hočevar, Na zobeh aluminij, na ustnicah kreda
- 2012 Janez Removeš, Skuz oken strejlam kurente
- 2011 Primož Čučnik, Kot dar
- 2010 Ivo Svetina, Sfingin hlev
- 2009 Aleš Debeljak, Tihotapci
- 2008 Andrej Medved, Približevanja
- 2007 Tomaž Šalamun, Sinji stolp
- 2006 Josip Osti, Vse ljubezni so nenavadne
- 2006 Miklavž Komelj, Hipidrom
- 2005 Maja Vidmar, Prisotnosti
- 2004 Ciril Bergles, Moj dnevnik
- 2004 Jože Snoj, Poslikava notranjščine
- 2003 Brane Mozetič, Banalije
- 2002 Erika Vouk, Opis slike
- 2001 Milan Jesih, Jambi
- 2000 Uroš Zupan, Drevo in vrabec
- 1999 Niko Grafenauer, Odtisi
- 1998 Dane Zajc, Dol dol
- 1997 Peter Semolič, Hiša iz besed
- 1996 Iztok Osojnik, Klesani kamni
- 1996 Alojz Ihan, Južno dekle
- 1995 Boris A. Novak, Mojster nespečnosti
- 1994 Svetlana Makarovič, Tisti čas
- 1993 Kajetan Kovič, Sibirski cirkus
- 1992 Lev Detela, Pesmi
- 1991 Milan Jesih, Soneti
- 1990 Milan Dekleva, Odjedanje božjega
- 1989 Aleš Debeljak, Slovar tišine
- 1988 Tomaž Šalamun, Mera časa
- 1987 Veno Taufer, Vodenjaki
- 1986 Niko Grafenauer, Palimpsesti
DESETNICA (The Tenth Child)
Desetnica is an award for children’s and youth literature awarded by the Slovene Writers’ Association in honour of making original children’s and youth literature recognizable both within the Slovene Writers’ Association and among the general public.
The Desetnica Award is intended for a wider recognition and asserting of children’s and youth literature within SWA, among professional literary critics, and among the public. Original children’s and youth literature has now been at a high level of quality for a period of decades and is one of the most frequently read sorts of national literature. At the same time, original children’s and youth literature represents the basis for creating reading habits; it represents the basis for forming the love of reading. The need for this peer award is quite understandable, since it is one of the basic steps to finally ensuring that youth literature is equal in state to non-youth literature, within the Slovene Writers’ Association and among the general public.
The Desetnica Award for best children’s and youth work in poetry or prose is awarded by the Slovene Writers ‘Association each year in May for the period of the previous three years, exclusively to members of the Slovene Writers’ Association, that write in Slovenian. The Award is granted on the basis of a selection prepared by an expert in youth literature, and the final selection is decided upon by a five-to seven-member jury combined of youth and non-youth authors that are exclusively members of the Slovene Writers’ Association. No member of the jury can be simultaneously a candidate or an Award recipient.
The Desetnica Award is sponsored by the Prešernova družba of Ljubljana.
Desetnica Award Winners:
- 2019 Martina Potisk
- 2018 Diana Pungeršič
- 2017 Maja Šučur
- 2016 Marjana Moškrič, Sanje o belem štrpedu
- 2015 Mate Dolenc, Mali princ z otoka
- 2014 Vinko Möderndorfer, Kot v filmu
- 2013 – Janja Vidmar, Kebarie
- 2012 – Feri Lainšček, Pesmi o Mišku in Belamiški
- 2011 Bina Štampe Žmavc, Cesar in roža; Milan Dekleva, Pesmarica prvih besed
- 2010 Dim Zupan, Hektor in male ljubezni: zgodba nekega Hektorja
- 2009 Marjana Moškrič, Stvar
- 2008 Andrej Rozman Roza, Kako je Oskar postal detektiv
- 2007 Bina Štampe Žmavc, Živa hiša
- 2006 Janja Vidmar, Zoo
- 2005 Slavko Pregl, Usodni telefon
- 2004 Mate Dolenc, Leteča ladja

Marjana Moškrič
Stritar Award
The Stritar Award is given annually by the Slovene Writers’ Association to the most promising literary critic. It was introduced in 1998, and has been presented in the framework of the Pranger Festival since 2013.
- 2019 – Martina Potisk
- 2018 – Diana Pungeršič
- 2017 – Maja Šučur
- 2016 – Aljaž Krivec
- 2015 – Tanja Petrič
- 2014 – Aljoša Harlamov
- 2013 – Gabriela Babnik
- 2012 – Mojca Pišek
- 2011 – Ana Geršak
- 2010 -Gaja Kos
- 2009 – Goran Dekleva
- 2008 – Jelka Ciglenečki
- 2007 – Tina Kozin
- 2006 – Gorazd Trušnovec
- 2005 – Petra Pogorevc
- 2004 – Alenka Jovanovski
- 2003 – Lucija Stepančič
- 2002 – Urban Vovk
- 2001 – Vanesa Matajc
- 2000 – Ignacija Friedl
- 1999 – Petra Vidali
- 1998 – Mitja Čander

Aljaž Krivec (photo: Žiga Hren)