Literarty events

The Slovene Writers’ Association, in the context of its program Literarni ciklusi (Literary Cycles) financed by the Slovenian Agency for Books, prepares and presents events to celebrate important writers, books, and culturally significant days, and to place authors and their creativity at the centre of cultural life and media attention.

Each year on February 7, Prešeren Day, Slovenia’s main cultural holiday, newly-accepted members of the Slovene Writers’ Association appear at Cankarjev dom for literary readings and events that “open the doors” for these new members to both children and adults. Shortly after Prešeren Day, on February 21, is International Mother Language Day, which we celebrate with a literary evening featuring writers of the Slovene borderlands. A marathon reading takes place at the headquarters of the Slovene Writers’ Association during which literary creators, joined by friends and acquaintances, read from their works. The wider public is welcome on March 21, the World Day of Poetry, when poets and writers participate in multiple literary readings.

In July, we present the Stritar Prize, in October the Jenko Prize. After the announcement and award ceremonies, both winners appear at literary events and encounters throughout Slovenia.

The Slovene Writers’ Association provides an especially colourful selection of literary readings, conversations, and presentations on the Writer’s Stage of the Slovene Book Fair, which takes place in late November at Cankarjev dom. In this media-rich environment, we present the programmes and projects of the Slovene Writers’ Association, congratulate winners, and dedicate special presentations to writers of the borderlands in a program called Z roba in čez rob (From the Edge Across the Edge). We also participate in the accompanying programme of the Slovene Book Fair Sejem v gosteh – knjige v areni življenja (The Away Fair – Books in the Arena of Life).
We conclude the year with a memorial tribute to members of the Slovene Writers’ Association who have passed away.

Throughout the year, the program of the Slovene Writers’ Association is enriched with various literary events, readings, and encounters.
