Aleš Mustar


Aleš Mustar

Foto: Tihomir Pintar

Poem: Middle Age

Aleš Mustar was born in 1968 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. He is a poet and literary translator and a freelancer. He graduated from English language and literature at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia and took his Ph.D. degree in Romanian literature at the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Letters, Romania. In 2005 he has published a book of poetry C(o)urt Interpretations, which has been translated into English and Macedonian. In 2017 he published his second book of poetry Middle Age. He is translating literature from Romanian and Macedonian, mostly contemporary poetry and fiction. He also writes texts for alternative theatre. He contributed texts theatre performances Sixteen Turns (En-Knap, 2005) and Feng Shot (Maska, 2011).


  • 2005 (U)sodno tolmačenje, LUD Literatura
  • 2017 Srednja leta, Center za slovensko književnost