Simon Brooks and Daina Tabūna at Slovene Books Days festival
Under the project Literary Europe Live (LEUL), the Slovene Writers’ Association hosted Welsh author Simon Brooks and Latvian author Daina Tabūna. Each was in Slovenia for a two-week residency. Simon Brooks spent a part of his stay at Goga publishing house’s residence in Novo mesto, and Daina Tabūna had her residency in Piran. Both authors also had literary readings in “their” towns. During the second week of their stays, they were in Ljubljana to present themselves and their work at the Slovenian Book Days festival. They took part in a debate on the decline of Europe and in a literary reading for foreign festival guests. Simon Brooks read an essay he wrote on revolution in the north, while Daina Tabūna read an excerpt from her novel Pirmā reize (The Secret Box).

Foto: Luka Vovk
The Revolution in the Old North by Simon Brooks