Matthias Göritz guest in SWA residency
Matthias Göritz was born in Hamburg in 1969. He studied philosophy and literary studies and spent extended periods in Moscow, Paris and Chicago. He was Writer-in-Residence at Bard College, New York, at the “Deutsches Haus” at NYU and guest in the International Writing Program at the University of Iowa, as well as Max Kade Writer at Washington University, St. Louis. After publications in magazines, his first volume of poetry, “Loops”, was published in 2001. Matthias Göritz lives in Frankfurt am Main. He was awarded the Hamburg Literature Prize and the Mara Cassens Prize for his first novel “The short Dream of Jakob Voss” (2005). In Fall 2006 his second collection of poetry, “Pools”, was published. Göritz received the grant of the state of Lower Saxonia for these poems. He was the Winner of the Warsaw Haiku contest 2008. 2011 Göritz was awarded the Robert Gernhardt Prize. 2013 the novel “Dreamers and Sinners” was published by C.H. Beck (Munich). In 2014, Göritz was the first recipient of the William Gass Award. He teaches creative writing part time at Washington University in St. Louis. The novella “Shanghai Blues” (with 20 artworks by Vanja Vukovic) was published in 2015 by Edition Faust (Frankfurt am Main). His third novel, „Parker“, is forthcoming by C.H. Beck in spring 2017. His work is widely translated.