Dragica Haramija


Dragica Haramija

Dragica Haramija has a PHD from the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. She is full professor of literature. She lectures in University of Maribor (Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Education). Her basic field of work is children’s literature: theories of genre in children’s prose and Slovenian children’s literature history. Researcher has so far issued seven monographs: Slovene Children’s Realistic Adventure Prose (2000), Seven Scripts: Opuses of Seven Contemporary Slovene Children’s Literature Authors (2009), Slovenian-Croatian Ties in Contemporary Children’s and Youth Prose (2009), The Holocaust Through Children’s Eyes (2010), Award Winning Writings: The Bodies of Work of Slovene Authors of Children’s and Youth Literature Who Have Received an Award after 1991 (2012), The Poetics of Picture Books (2013, co-author Janja Batič), The Role of Animals in Children’s literature (2015).